What’s new in Sage 300 ERP 2014 (Sage Accpac Version 6.2)

Sage Accpac – Get more done by connecting your business, providing a better customer experience, and increasing revenue.

Sage  300  ERP  (formerly  Sage Accpac)  is  the  foundation  for  your  business  to  get  more done,  stay  connected  and  enable your teams to be more productive using a fresh modern user interface with an improved user experience. Sage 300 ERP 2014  offers  substantial  new  features  and  functionality  to  help  businesses  be  smarter  and  more  efficient.
2014 connections

  • Do  more  to  connect  on  the  road  with  Sage  Mobile  Sales,  Sage  CRM,  and  Sage  Mobile  Service.
  • Control,  automate,  and  analyze  your  data  with  Sage  Intelligence,  now  accessible  through  the Sage  300  ERP  menu.
  • Optimize  inventory  management  with  Sage  Inventory  Advisor .

Sage Accpac – User experience enhancements

  • A  fresh  user  interface  makes  data  entry  and  visual  process  flows  more  intuitive.
  • Maximize  return  on  investment  with  improved  user  license  management  capabilities  to  free  up user  licenses.
  • Be  more  productive  with  the  fresh  look  of  modernized  user  interface  and  more  intuitive  data  entry  screens.
  • Quickly  identify  profitability  with  the  Sage  Intelligence  Profitability  Dashboard

Sage Accpac – Fresh, modern look and feel

We  have  redesigned  the  desktop  and  some  frequently  used screens  to  make  it  easier  to  find  information  and  complete tasks.  This  modern  user  interface  includes  redesigned icons,  a ribbon-style tool bar and indications  for required fields.

Sage Accpac – Improved user management for Lanpaks and IAP licenses

A  new current  Users screen  helps to  organise the  use of Lanpak  licenses.  You  can  now  get  information  about  who  is currently  signed  in  to  Sage  300  ERP  and  which  screens  they are  accessing  and  for  how  long.  The  screen  includes  User’ s contact  details  and  the  modules/screens  they  are  using.

Sage Accpac – Functional Improvements to increase productivity

This  release  includes  functional  improvements  across Accounts  Payable,  Inventory  Control,  Purchase  Orders  and Order Entry modules by adding new fields, configuration options  and  printing  periods  in  G/L  Transaction  Listing.
Apart  from  the  above,  Sage  300  ERP  2014  includes  support for  MS  Office  2013  32-bit  and  improved  Help  and Documentation  across A/R, A/P,  G/L  and  Intercompany Transactions  modules

Sage Accpac – Web and mobile functionality: driving better customer experiences and increasing revenue

For  2014,  Sage  300  ERP  offers  more  ways  than  ever  to connect  everyone  involved  in  your  business,  from  your customers to your vendors to your in-house  departments. Your customers expect more from their experiences with your  company—Sage  300  ERP  2014  will  help  your  team deliver  on  those  expectations  from  anywhere  business takes  them. The new  web and  mobile connections,  now available  through  Sage  CRM  power  opportunities  to generate  more  sales,  increase  revenue,  and  provide  a better  customer  experience.

Sage Accpac – New business intelligence and analytics:make better decisions and grow with confidence.

When you are able to quickly identify the optimum field service  technician,  be  more  productive,  and  transform raw business data into  useful information,  you can grow with  confidence.  Useful  information,  or  business intelligence  is  critical  because  it  helps  you  react  quickly  to challenges,  build  on  successes,  and  discover  new  ideas, insights,  and  innovations.  In  Sage  300  ERP  2014  you  can connect to useful information with the Sage Intelligence

Sage Accpac – Profitability Dashboard and Sage Inventory  Advisor .

Using the  Profitability  Dashboard  makes  it  easy  for  you  to identify customer , product, and salesperson profitability in  variable  time  frames Using  Sage  Inventory  Advisor ,  you  can  classify  and  evaluate hundreds  of  thousands  of  separate  items  and  analyze historic sales data to accurately forecast future demand. Most  importantly ,  Sage  Inventory  Advisor  recommends safety stock levels  that help ensure you don’t run out of  the  items  you  need  to  satisfy  demand  or  tie  up  working capital by stocking overages of slow-moving and seasonal items.  When you  have  what your  customers  want, in  stock when  they  want  it,  you  deliver  a  great  customer experience.

Sage Accpac – Multiple currencies and languages.

For companies in  the services, financial, distribution, or manufacturing sectors,  Sage  300  ERP  2014  connects  you globally  by  allowing  you  to  do  business  in  multiple languages  and  currencies—as  always!

Sage accpac

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